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Kneel in front of the machine placing your hands on the plate shoulder width apart with your fingers facing inward. With a straight back and strong abdomen, push off of the plate.
Low to High Speed
This exercise works your chest, shoulders, triceps and core.
Stand on the plate with your feet flat and shoulder width apart while keeping your knees directly above your feet at a 90° angle. Keep your back straight and upright. Hold the front handrail for added balance.
Low to High Speed
This exercise works your quadriceps, buttocks and back.
Stand on the plate with your feet shoulder width apart keeping your back straight and knees locked.
Low to Medium Speed
This exercise works your quadriceps, hips, obliques and back.
Stand on the plate with your feet shoulder width apart keeping your back straight and knees slightly bent.
Low Speed
This exercise works your quadriceps, buttocks and back.
Sit in the center of the plate with your legs bent at 90 degree. Place a pillow under your buttocks for added comfort. Cross either leg over the other then use your hands to gently pull the knee of the crossed leg up towards your body.
Low to High Speed
This exercise works your buttocks.
Sit in the center of the plate with your legs apart and stretched out in front of you. Place a pillow under your buttocks for added comfort. Slowly bend forward from the hips reaching toward each foot until you feel slight stretch in your hamstrings.
Low to High Speed
This exercise works your lower back and hamstrings.
Stand on the vibration plate with both feet half way on the front edge of the plate with toes facing forward. With legs slightly bent, push the heels down and you should feel tension in your calves. To vary this exercise, keep your back straight and push your pelvis forward.
Low to High Speed
You should feel tension in your calves.
Stand on the plate with your feet shoulder width apart keeping your knees straight. Bend at your hips while resting your arms on front safety rail.
Low to High Speed
This exercise works your low back, hamstrings and buttocks.
Lie in front of the machine with one foot flat on the plate and the other extended perpendicular to the ground. Lay your arms flat to your sides. Bend your knee and bring your foot toward your buttocks. Squeezing your abs and gluteal muscle, lift your hips off the ground. Lift up onto your shoulders and neck while keeping your back straight.
Low to High Speed
This exercise works your hips, lower back and gluteal muscles.
Lie in front of the machine with both feet flat on the plate and arms laying flat on the floor to your sides. Bend your knees and bring your feet toward your buttocks. Squeezing your abs and gluteal muscles, lift your hips off the ground. Lift up onto your shoulders and neck while keeping your back straight.
Low to High Speed
This exercise works your hips, lower back and gluteal muscles.
Place one foot to either side of the plate and step back with your other foot planting it firmly on the ground behind. Squeeze your leg muscles while keeping your back straight and knees directly above your toes.
Low to High Speed
This exercise works your hamstrings, quadriceps and buttocks.
Standing in the center of the plate, rise up on to the balls of your feet. Keep your back straight and abdomen tight. To add variation, try bending your knees to 90° degrees.
Low to High Speed
This exercise works your calf muscles.
Kneel in front of the machine, placing your hands on the plate shoulder width apart with fingers facing forward. With a straight back and strong abdomen, push off of the plate.
Low to High Speed
This exercise works your chest, shoulder muscles and triceps.
Kneel in front of the machine, placing your hands on the plate shoulder width apart with fingers facing forward. With a straight back and strong abdomen, push off of the plate. For an advanced position with increased intensity straighten legs to a plank position.
Low to High Speed
This exercise works your chest, shoulder muscles and triceps.
Sit in the center of the plate with your legs apart. Place a pillow under your buttocks for added comfort. While holding onto the side support bars, lift your legs in the air and bend your knees so that your legs form a 90° degree angle then move your legs in a bicycling motion.
Low to High Speed
This exercise works your abs and obliques.
With one foot directly behind the other, place one elbow on the plate and lean sideways. Keep your head, torso and legs straight while pushing your shoulder down and tightening your torso simultaneously. To add variation, push your hips upward at the same time.
Low to High Speed
This exercise works your lateral abdomen.
Brace yourself on your elbows and hold onto the front edge of the plate. With a straight back, pull your buttocks up slowly as if you wanted to pull the plate toward your feet. To vary the routine, perform the same exercise from a kneeling position.
Low to High Speed
This exercise works your abdominal region.
Put a chair close to the front of the machine and facing it. Sit down on the chair and put your feet shoulder width apart in the center of the plate.
Low to High Speed
This exercise improves circulation in your legs and feet.
Position your body in a horizontal line parallel with the plate. Place your hands on the plate shoulder width apart while keeping your legs and back straight and head raised. Using slow and controlled movement bend your arms and slightly push towards the plate. Then return to the starting position.
Low to High Speed
This exercise works your triceps, shoulders and chest.
Sit on the plate facing out. Firmly grip the edge and push upwards. Bend your arms slightly while lowering your hips away from the plate and squeezing your shoulder blades together. For variation, repeat the exercise with your legs straight.
Low to High Speed
This exercise works your upper arms, triceps and shoulders.
Stand on the plate with your feet flat and shoulder width apart while keeping your knees directly above your feet at a 100° angle. Keeping your back straight and upright slowly extend one leg backwards off of the plate. Hold the front handrail for added balance.
Low to High Speed
This exercise works your quadriceps, hamstrings, calf and gluteal muscles.
Stand on the plate with your legs wide apart. Turn your toes outward with your feet flat and shoulder width apart while keeping your knees directly above your feet at a 100° angle. Keep your back straight and upright. Hold the front handrail for added balance.
Low to High Speed
This exercise works your back, buttocks, quadriceps, and inner thigh area.
Sit in front of the machine on the floor facing out with your elbows on the plate. Slide your buttocks away from the plate while keeping your elbows on the plate.
Low to High Speed
This stretch works your pectoral muscles.
Sit in the center of the plate with your legs bent at 90°. Place a pillow under your buttocks for added comfort. Cross either leg over the other then pull the crossed leg up toward your chest, holding your knee with your hand on the same side of your body while grasping your ankle with your other hand.
Low to High Speed
This stretch works your piriformis muscle in the buttocks region.
Stand on the plate facing out with your feet shoulder width apart keeping your knees straight. Bend at your hips while stretching your arms towards your toes.
Low to High Speed
This exercise works your hamstrings.
Lie in front of the plate with both calves on the plate, toes pointing toward the ceiling.
Low to High Speed
You should feel a relaxing vibration in the calves.
Lie on the plate while positioning your legs and half of your buttocks on the center of the plate. To vary, move your buttocks onto the plate.
Low to High Speed
This exercise provides a loosening on your legs and bottom buttocks.
Position yourself with your front thighs on the plate using your arms to stabilize your upper body.
Low to High Speed
This exercise provides a massage for the front thigh.
Kneel down in front of the plate with your arms outstretched. Keep your back and neck straight. Then pull your upper body back while resting your arms on the plate.
Low to High Speed
This exercise will relax your neck and shoulder area.
Kneel in front of the machine and place your hands on the plate shoulder width apart. Bring your chest forward and shoulders back while dropping your hips to the ground.
Low to High Speed
This advanced energizing pose opens up the lower back and is strengthening for the arms and upper body.
Stand on the plate with your feet shoulder width apart keeping your knees straight. Grasp one of your ankles and gently pull your heel up and back until you feel a stretch in the front of your thigh.
Low to High Speed
This stretch works your quadriceps.
Sit in the center of the plate facing out with legs apart. Place a pillow under your buttocks for added comfort. Allow your upper body to lean forward. Rest your elbows on your knees or place your hands on the floor in front of you for added stability and comfort.
Low to High Speed
You should feel a relaxing vibration in the back, hip, and thigh areas.
Lie on the plate facing down with your feet at the back of the plate. Position your quadriceps on the plate keeping your knees and torso straight.
Low to High Speed
You should feel tension in your quadriceps, buttocks and back.
Kneel in front of the machine and stretch your arms out placing your hands on the plate shoulder width apart with your fingers facing the back of the machine.
Low to High Speed
You should feel a relaxing vibration in your arms.
Stand on the center of the plate with feet shoulder width apart and facing out. Hold onto the exercise bands with arms to your sides. Slowly raise arms above your head with arms straight. Bend arms backward at the elbows toward the plate.
Low to High Speed
This exercise works your triceps.
Stand on the center of the plate with feet shoulder width apart. Hold onto the exercise bands with arms to your sides. Slowly raise forearms in a curling motion while keeping upper arms to your sides.
Low to High Speed
This exercise works your biceps.
Stand on the center of the plate with feet shoulder width apart. Hold onto the exercise bands and raise arms to shoulder height. Straighten arms for increased intensity.
Low to High Speed
This exercise works your shoulders and traps.
Sit on the machine with one leg to the side of the machine with inner thigh laying on the plate. The other leg should be off of the machine and bent in a relaxed position.
Low to High Speed
This exercise will relax your inner thigh.
Stand on the center of the plate with feet shoulder width apart and facing out. Place the exercise bands around the front balance bar and hold onto the bands with arms to your sides at a 90° angle. Pull elbows towards your back and then forward.
Low to High Speed
This exercise works your biceps and lats.
Sit on the plate facing out and legs in a relaxed position. Place the exercise bands around the front balance bar and hold onto the bands at shoulder height. Bend forward with your back straight and arms locked just above your shoulders.
Low to High Speed
This exercise works your abdominals.
Stand on the center of the plate with feet shoulder width apart and facing out. Hold onto the exercise bands with arms to your sides and elbows bent. Slowly raise hands above your head until you have extended your arms.
Low to High Speed
This exercise works your shoulders and traps.
Place the fitness ball in front of the machine then sit on the ball facing the machine. While holding onto the handrails, place your feet flat on the plate shoulder width apart.
Low to High Speed
You should feel a relaxing vibration in the calves.
Place the fitness ball in front of the machine then sit on the ball facing the machine. Place your feet flat on the plate shoulder width apart. Bend backwards at the waist keeping your back straight. Use your arms to keep your balance.
Low to High Speed
This exercise works your abdomen.
Place the fitness ball in front of the machine then sit on the ball facing the machine. Place your feet flat on the plate shoulder width apart. Bend backwards on the ball using your arms to keep your balance.
Low to High Speed
This exercise stretches your abdomen and relaxes your low back.